
Repository to keep track of individually published JWST sources, high-z or otherwise


Test generating the master table with

$ python build.py

Adding new references

The currently available catalog references are summarized at tables/README.md (rendered here by GitHub Pages).

Please feel free to add new tables with meta and csv files in the tables/ directory! To add them, fork the repository and submit the updates via a Pull Request. Please verify that new tables are processed correctly with the $ python build.py ingestion script before committing updates to the full jwst-sources tables. The ingestion script will also be run automatically by the GitHub Actions CI script when a PR is processed.

If there is self-contained code used to generate a particular csv file (e.g., 2306.02468-hainline.py), please feel free to add that as well. Though note that any python scripts have to pass the verification test in the CI Action, i.e.,:

flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics --exclude "scripts* docs* dist* examples*"

App interface

The table is rendered in at https://jwst-sources.herokuapp.com/, with some tools for querying and generating the unique source identifiers.

For example https://jwst-sources.herokuapp.com/match?coords=214.91455,52.943023 returns a query for the z=16 candiate identified in early CEERS ERS observations that turns out to be at z=4.912.

See https://jwst-sources.herokuapp.com/help for additional usage information.

To Do