

arXiv Author Title
1710.11131 Pascal Oesch The Dearth of z~10 Galaxies in all HST Legacy Fields–The Rapid Evolution of the Galaxy Population in the First 500 Myr
1807.02523 Corentin Schreiber Near infrared spectroscopy and star-formation histories of 3 < z < 4 quiescent galaxies
2009.09784 Johan Richard An Atlas of MUSE Observations towards Twelve Massive Lensing Clusters
2106.06544 Guido Roberts-Borsani The Physical Properties of Luminous z>8 Galaxies and Implications for the Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density From ∼0.35 deg2 of (Pure-)Parallel HST Observations
2106.13246 Carlos Gomez-Guijarro GOODS-ALMA 2.0–Source catalog, number counts, and prevailing compact sizes in 1.1 mm galaxies
2108.01713 Kasper Schmidt Recovery and analysis of rest-frame UV emission lines in 2052 galaxies observed with MUSE at 1.5<z<6.4
2204.06393 Seiji Fujimoto A dusty compact object bridging galaxies and quasars at cosmic dawn
2207.08778 Adam Carnall A first look at the SMACS0723 JWST ERO— spectroscopic redshifts, stellar masses and star-formation histories
2207.09434 Rohan Naidu Two Remarkably Luminous Galaxy Candidates at z ~ 11 -13 Revealed by JWST
2207.09436 Marco Castellano Early results from GLASS-JWST. III— Galaxy candidates at z∼9-15
2207.11387 Guido Roberts-Borsani Early Results from GLASS-JWST. I— Confirmation of Lensed z > 7 Lyman-Break Galaxies Behind the Abell 2744 Cluster With NIRISS
2207.12338 Hakim Atek Revealing Galaxy Candidates out to z~16 with JWST Observations of the Lensing Cluster SMACS0723
2207.12356 Callum Donnan The evolution of the galaxy UV luminosity function at redshifts z ~ 8-15 from deep JWST and ground-based near-infrared imaging, Table 5
2207.12446 Ivo Labbe A very early onset of massive galaxy formation
2207.13625 Danilo Marchesini Early results from GLASS-JWST. IX— First spectroscopic confirmation of low-mass quiescent galaxies at z > 2 with NIRISS
2208.00986 Adam Carnall A first look at JWST CEERS— massive quiescent galaxies from 3 < z < 5
2208.01612 Yuichi Harikane A Comprehensive Study on Galaxies at z~9-16 Found in the Early JWST Data– UV Luminosity Functions and Cosmic Star-Formation History at the Pre-Reionization Epoch
2208.01816 Jorge Zavala A dusty starburst masquerading as an ultra-high redshift galaxy in JWST CEERS observations
2208.02794 Rohan Naidu Schrodinger’s Galaxy Candidate— Puzzlingly Luminous at z ~ 17, or Dusty/Quenched at z ~ 5?
2210.15699 Hayley Williams A magnified compact galaxy at redshift 9.51 with strong nebular emission lines
2211.09097 Takahiro Morishita Early results from GLASS-JWST XIV, A spectroscopically confirmed protocluster 650 million years after the Big Bang
2212.02890 Kasper Elm Heintz Dilution of chemical enrichment in galaxies 600 Myr after the Big Bang
2212.04568 Emma Curtis-Lake Spectroscopic confirmation of four metal-poor galaxies at z=10.3-13.2
2212.10531 Lukas Furtak JWST UNCOVER, Extremely red and compact object at zphot ~ 7.6 triply imaged by Abell 2744
2301.06811 Yuki Isobe Redshift Evolution of the Electron Density in the ISM at z∼0−9 Uncovered with JWST/NIRSpec Spectra and Line-Spread Function Determinations
2301.07072 Mengtao Tang JWST/NIRSpec Spectroscopy of z=7−9 Star Forming Galaxies with CEERS, New Insight into Bright Ly𝛼 Emitters in Ionized Bubbles
2301.09482 Seiji Fujimoto CEERS Spectroscopic Confirmation of NIRCam-Selected z > 8 Galaxy Candidates with JWST/NIRSpec
2301.12825 Kimihiko Nakajima JWST Census for the Mass-Metallicity Star-Formation Relations at z = 4 − 10 with the Self-Consistent Flux Calibration and the Proper Metallicity Calibrators
2302.00012 Dale Kocevski Hidden Little Monsters, Spectroscopic Identification of Low-Mass, Broad-Line AGN at z > 5 with CEERS
2302.04270 Duncan Austin A Large Population of Faint 8 < z < 16 Galaxies Found in the First JWST NIRCam Observations of the NGDEEP Survey
2302.12805 Aayush Saxena JADES Discovery of extremely high equivalent width Lyman-alpha emission from a faint galaxy within an ionized bubble at z=7.3
2303.08149 Ryan Sanders Direct Te-based Metallicities of z=2−9 Galaxies with JWST/NIRSpec, Empirical Metallicity Calibrations Applicable from Reionization to Cosmic Noon
2303.08918 Rebecca Larson A CEERS Discovery of an Accreting Supermassive Black Hole 570 Myr after the Big Bang, Identifying a Progenitor of Massive z > 6 Quasars
2303.11946 Yuichi Harikane A JWST/NIRSpec First Census of Broad-Line AGNs at z=4-7— Detection of 10 Faint AGNs with M_BH~10^6-10^8 M_sun and Their Host Galaxy Properties
2303.15431 Pablo Arrabal Haro Spectroscopic verification of very luminous galaxy candidates in the early universe
2304.05378 Pablo Arrabal Haro Spectroscopic confirmation of CEERS NIRCam-selected galaxies at z = 8 - 10
2304.14469 Derek McLeod The galaxy UV luminosity function at z~11 from a suite of public JWST ERS, ERO and Cycle-1 programs
2305.14418 Guillermo Barro Extremely red galaxies at z=5−9 with MIRI and NIRSpec—dusty galaxies or obscured AGNs?
2306.00647 Kasper Elm Heintz Extreme damped Lyman-alpha absorption in young star-forming galaxies at z=9−11
2306.02467 Andrew Bunker JADES NIRSpec Initial Data Release for the Hubble Ultra Deep Field, Redshifts and Line Fluxes of Distant Galaxies from the Deepest JWST Cycle 1 NIRSpec Multi-Object Spectroscopy
2306.02468 Kevin Hainline The Cosmos in its Infancy, JADES Galaxy Candidates at z > 8 in GOODS-S and GOODS-N
2306.04627 Joris Witstok Inside the bubble–exploring the environments of reionisation-era Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies with JADES and FRESCO
2306.05448 Jorryt Matthee Little Red Dots - an abundant population of faint AGN at z ∼ 5 revealed by the EIGER and FRESCO JWST surveys
2306.06244 Gene Leung NGDEEP Epoch 1 The Faint End of the Luminosity Function at z=9-12 from Ultradeep JWST Imaging
2306.07320 Ivo Labbe UNCOVER—Candidate Red Active Galactic Nuclei at 3<z<7 with JWST and ALMA
2306.08605 Antonello Calabro Near-infrared emission line diagnostics for AGN from the local Universe to redshift 3
2308.01230 Roberto Maiolino JADES. The diverse population of infant Black Holes at 4<z<11— merging, tiny, poor, but mighty
2310.01112 Charlotte Simmonds Low-mass bursty galaxies in JADES efficiently produce ionising photons and could represent the main drivers of reionisation
2311.04867 Shuowen Jin Cosmic Vine- A z=3.44 large-scale structure hosting massive quiescent galaxies
2311.07483 Christina Williams The galaxies missed by Hubble and ALMA—the contribution of extremely red galaxies to the cosmic census at 3<z<8
2312.10033 Brant Robertson Earliest Galaxies in the JADES Origins Field–Luminosity Function and Cosmic Star-Formation Rate Density 300 Myr after the Big Bang
2401.09981 Vasily Kokorev A Census of Photometrically Selected Little Red Dots at 4 < z < 9 in JWST Blank Fields
2207.12446 Feige Wang A Massive Protocluster Anchored by a Luminous Quasar at z=6.63
2403.05506 Michael Maseda The NIRSpec Wide GTO Survey
2207.12446 Marco Castellano JWST NIRSpec Spectroscopy of the Remarkable Bright Galaxy GHZ2/GLASS-z12 at Redshift 12.34
2404.03576 Dale Kocevski The Rise of Faint, Red AGN at z>4–A Sample of Little Red Dots in the JWST Extragalactic Legacy Fields
2405.02242 Adam Carnall The JWST EXCELS survey—Too much, too young, too fast? Ultra-massive quiescent galaxies at 3 < z < 5
2406.10341 Hollis Akins COSMOS-Web— The over-abundance and physical nature of “little red dots”–Implications for early galaxy and SMBH assembly
2410.01874 Rohan Naidu All the Little Things in Abell 2744, 1000 Gravitationally Lensed Dwarf Galaxies at z=0−9 from JWST NIRCam Grism Spectroscopy
2410.10967 Lorenzo Napolitano Seven wonders of Cosmic Dawn, JWST confirms a high abundance of galaxies and AGNs at z = 9-11 in the GLASS field
2410.18763 Lorenzo Napolitano The dual nature of GHZ9, coexisting AGN and star formation activity in a remote X-ray source at z=10.145